Meeting Schedules                     


It is suggested to try at least 6 different meetings, to find the one that best works for you. 

     - And keep coming back.


In-Person Meetings

 Reminder: Masks are optional.

Don't attend if you are feeling ill, or have been exposed to a known positive Covid case...please attend a virtual meeting instead!

Sunday 8pm, Caring and Sharing AFG, St.James United Church, 330 Elizabeth Ave, St.John's        

              This is a hybrid meeting.  There is no need to bring devices or earphones, just yourselves.             

Monday 8pm,Keep it Simple AFG, Calvary Baptist Church (formerly Mary Queen of the World), 775 Topsail Road Mt Pearl     


Wednesday 10:30am Hopeful AFG, Worship Center (10 Canada Dr), St. John's    


Thursday 10:30am, Listen and Learn AFG, Crossings Church (formerly West End Baptist), 314 Topsail Rd, St.John's     

                                                                            Enter through double doors at the back.    


Thursday 11:00 am, Fourth Step Inventory AFG, CornerBrook.  St.John Evangelist Church, 25 Main St.  Enter through the basement door from the parking lot.

                  This is a hybrid meeting  for those that cannot make it in person (Zoom ID 811 1804 501 Password: si27j9)   


Thursday 12:00 noon, Men's Inspirational AFG, Worship Center, 10 Canada Dr. St.John's

Thursday  2:00 pm, Seeds of Hope AFG, St.Martin's Cathedral, 4 Lindberg Rd, Gander NL

Thursday  8:00pm, Reaching Out AFG, Holy Trinity Elementary School, Torbay          

Thursday 8:00pm  Waterford AFG, Solid Rock Wesleyan Church, 111 Park Ave., Mt.Pearl    

                 Use the back entrance, glass doors and go down the stairs to the left.                   

__________________________________________________ Online Meetings

Note: When attending online meetings please protect the anonymity of others in the meeting from accidental viewing by passersby:

         Inform members of the option to change their display name.

Disable recording features

Note to Newcomers - please identify yourself as a'll get a special welcome!


Sunday 7pm Sharing and Growing AFG Foxtrap         

Zoom ID 823 1568 5852 (no password)     

Sunday 8pm Caring and Sharing AFG, St.James United Church, St.John's    

Zoom ID   971 5853 8776  Passcode: 380211                                                                

Tuesday 8 pm Caribou AFG Corner Brook

Zoom ID 811 180 4501 - password si27j9           

Tuesday  8 pm Somebody Cares AFG St. John’s     

 Zoom ID  864 7322 2546- no password                   

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Thursday 11 am Fourth Step AFG Corner Brook   

Zoom - ID 811 1804 501 Password si27j9       

Thursday 8 pm Live for Today AFG Holyrood          

Zoom - ID 461 9401 225 Password 7yuY4F     


Thursday 8 pm Arrive and Thrive Online AFG

Zoom ID  840 4376 5543 Password 720555           


Friday 10:30 am Courage to Change AFG St. John’s

Zoom - ID 850 3308 2466 (no Password)                     

Saturday 11:00am Let Go and Let God AFG St. John’s       

                  New Zoom ID # 851 3306 4136



God, Grant me the Serenity to Accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to Change the things I can, and
Wisdom to Know the difference